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This article measures long term trends in policy coherence for development. Based on result chains, it develops a counterfactual methodology, and then applies it to assess changes in inputs, outputs and outcomes over time. While the literature does not indicate any significant change in policy coherence for development over the last decade, this research finds that, if the time scale is lengthened to 50 years, an overall increase in policy coherence for development of the Dutch government, vis‐à‐vis the DR Congo, in the domains of finance and security, can be detected. These changes in policy coherence for development inputs seem to have contributed, in conjunction with similar policies from other countries, in some instances, to positive outcomes in the DRC.  相似文献   

This article provides findings of a qualitative study exploring the interactions of eight Deaf participants and one hearing ally with the justice system in Northern Ireland, where the Disability Discrimination Act requires solicitors to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to provide effective access to Deaf clients. Three thematic categories emerged: (a) barriers to accessing justice, (b) work Deaf people do for access, and (c) the need to educate solicitors about access. A central strain ran through these themes: the idea that ‘reasonable adjustment’ must reflect the value of sign language interpreters in facilitating effective communication access for all the parties.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the residential mobility of senior citizens, between 2006 and 2011, among different residential forms in rural and metropolitan areas in the province of Quebec (Canada). A systematic analysis of residential form variability in territories that include both metropolitan and rural areas is performed. First, a typology of residential forms is proposed using a principal component analysis and a hierarchical cluster analysis on environment-related and housing variables. Second, the residential mobility of seniors among these different residential forms is analyzed. The results reveal a certain amount of residential stability among seniors, except where specific conditions are met, such as the death of a spouse or the onset of health problems limiting day-to-day activities. For those who moved, high-rise habitat areas and mixed areas with older rental apartments held the greatest attraction. However, suburban areas attracted the largest number of seniors because these areas account for a sizeable portion of the real estate market.  相似文献   
采用文献计量学研究方法和主题内容分析法,回顾了2009至2018年我国幼儿教师职业道德研究的概貌,发现该领域文献研究的热点方向依次为:幼师师德失范与因应对策、幼师专业学生职业道德培养、幼师师德的规范建构与评价等。为进一步推动我国幼儿教师职业道德研究,关切该问题的学者可以形成研究共同体,从均衡研究维度着手,不断拓展研究视野的广度,并通过开展后续研究推进成果转化。  相似文献   
《民法典》侵权责任编对原有通知删除规则进行了科学修正,但事前保护缺位与事后救济程序失范的问题仍然存在。随着网络服务提供者完成角色转型和技术升级,其作为网络侵权风险的控制者和参与者,有必要且有能力承担未通知阶段的主动预防义务和已通知阶段的证明材料审查义务,以弥补著作权保护和用户利益保护的漏洞。双重注意义务应分别与网络服务提供者对侵权危险的预期和控制能力以及材料审查能力相适应。未通知阶段之注意义务以技术措施为主要履行方式,其注意标准的认定应综合考量技术水平、服务类型、内容介入程度、是否直接获取收益等要素,未尽该注意义务仅为过错认定的考量因素而非唯一标准,并不必然导致侵权责任。已通知阶段之注意义务仅限于对提交的证明材料进行形式审查和有限的实质审查,尽到此注意义务的,可以免于承担侵权责任。  相似文献   
数字货币,是一种具有财产性价值属性的电磁记录型数据。数字货币在其依存的区块链体系中所彰显的与不特定者之间的支付对价性、与法定货币之间的互换性、使用电子信息处理系统进行转移的在线转移性等特点,得以从数据说的角度,将其作为一种数据性财产权在现行法律框架内对其私法性质进行讨论。有鉴于我国民法总则已将数据纳入保护客体的范畴,数字货币作为数据之一种,理应成为一种新型法律客体,在得到法律理论支撑的基础上获得保护。  相似文献   
促进全民健康,决胜全面小康。习近平总书记关于人民健康的重要论述,充分彰显了以人民为中心的时代要求,蕴含着以推动全面建成小康社会为战略目标,以维护社会公平正义为价值追求,以社会资源共建共享为方法路径,以中国特色社会主义制度的优越性为条件保证的丰富内涵。在新时代,习近平总书记关于人民健康的重要论述对于加快实施健康中国战略、推动构建中国健康工作体系特别是指导此次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控展现出重要的实践价值。  相似文献   
“草原文化与草原丝绸之路研究”专题,重点以“草原文化研究”“草原丝绸之路研究”“蒙古与北方民族医药历史文化研究”为主要内容,旨在开展综合研究与理论研究的基础上,既有宏观基础理论研究,也有微观个案研究,有所侧重、有的放矢。  相似文献   
草原丝绸之路历史悠久,横贯欧亚北方草原地带,其路线辐射地区正是我国古代北方游牧民族聚散生息的核心地区。自先秦时代到蒙元时期,先后崛起的匈奴、回鹘等民族政权相继控制并参与到这条草原通道的中西交通之中。学界对这些政权与草原丝路之间的关系较为重视,并已取得了丰硕的研究成果。  相似文献   
我国宪法赋予了公民用自己的民族语言文字参加诉讼的权利,目的在于实现民族平等、促进民族团结、禁止民族分裂、保护中华民族语言文化的多样性,进而提高我国的文化软实力。通过调查民族语言文字诉讼司法实务,发现当前存在着少数民族语言文字诉讼程序混乱、不符合诉讼原理等问题,不利于民族语言文字诉讼权利的实现。究其原因,在于该诉讼制度缺乏程序保障。为了确保民族语言文字诉讼权利的有效实现,应设立“民汉双语诉讼规则”,以为司法机关提供统一的操作规范。民汉双语诉讼规则应该明确民汉双语诉讼的概念、类型以及民族语言文字诉讼权利的内容,并且根据不同诉讼类型有针对性地设置审判语言与诉讼语言的适用规则。  相似文献   
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